Monday, December 13, 2010


Get a Voki now!

Hello everyone!

Today I have explored the use of a Voki Character in Education. Above is the Voki that I have created, feel free to have a look! After personalising, editing and creating a real-life talking character, I have had lots of fun! I have also added voice to my character which I believe is important if a Voki were to be used in any educational activity.

Positives of a Voki in Education:
- students can easily create their own character
- students can add these talking characters to blogs and other networking applications
- Students can practise using the microphone with a Voki, but adding your voice to it, and then listening to it.
- Voki's could be utilised in a classroom context where the teacher could add her voice to it, and pretend to the class that this 'character' is going to come in and talk to us today about...(insert unit of work here).
- Voki's could be utilised in a student's oral presentation where not only the student would be speaking, but the Voki could speak as well, to add an entertainment and engagement aspect to the performance.

Challenges in education:
- May become limited, learning managers should perhaps only use voki's for a short period of time. For example, as the hook of a lesson.
- I cannot see too many challenges for a Voki. I believe that it serves it's purpose well.

Thank you and warm regards,

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