Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hi Everyone,
Here is the video that I located on Youtube.
Courtesy to: Youtube (NASA Water cycle Video)

YouTube Video - Water Cycle

Hi Everyone,
This is a video that I found on YouTube. Take a look. It gives you a look at how evaporation, condensation and precipitation all work. This would be great to show a year 3-7 class as it shows fantastic and easy diagrams to follow to ensure that everyone understands how the process works.

YouTube is a great educational tool as it allows a learning manager to show the class a video about the subject content that they are learning. Many students are visual learners and need to 'see' the task or tool before they can actually comprehend it. This is where youtube is great. It is also very simple to use and it would be easy to teach another person including staff members how to use it.

Thank you,
Bridie Willis

Courtesy to: Youtube for using the Video

Sunday, November 28, 2010

iMovie for Week 5

Hi Everyone! 

I hope that everyone is enjoying this course as much as I am. I am finding it more and more interesting and beneficial as the weeks go by and this week (week 5) has been really fun and has engaged me!

'iMovie' is a fantastic movie making program which allows you to add photos, videos, songs, podcasts, sound effects and transitions etc at the touch of a mouse!  After exploring these settings and creating my own movie, I have found so many beneficial uses for it educationally. I did create an imovie however, it did not upload unfortunately. I will keep trying to upload it.

Benefits for Education Purposes:
- easy to use
- easy to teach to students, staff and even parents
- at the touch of a button you can change and alter settings such as backgrounds, sounds, add podcasts, songs, photos, transitions etc. 
- fun way of presenting information to students
- students could create an iMovie to accompany their assignments 
- great homework task (create an imovie for homework!)
- can upload to blogs etc easily
- students can personalise their own iMovie

- not all students will have access to a computer
- students may not have this program

I look forward to being able to utilise movies for educational purposes in the classroom. I believe that it will engage students, as it is visually appealing, interactive and engaging for all aged students. Students can also make these themselves either at home or at school which is a great bonus for both teacher and student. Utilising movies in the classroom is a great use of ICT's which will further benefit the child in so many ways including becoming more familiarised with media and technology, engaging students into classroom work and for them to explore the possibilities in education through assignments and homework tasks. 

Thanks and warm regards,

Courtesy to: pakpoint.com for using the iMovie picture.
    Courtesy to: Apple for discussing the program "iMovie". 

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    TuxPaint Program - Great!

    Hi fellow bloggers,
    I have just had a look at some of the suggested websites from the week 4 email. I clicked on the link for "TuxPaint" link and found an amazing site! 

    The positives of this wonderful website:

    - allows students to create their own painting (web-based) - creativity
    - allows for younger students to interactively learn colours - creativity
    - allows students to make pictures for math subjects (counting, groups of etc) - mathematics
    - Allows for students to highlight words in text - language and english
    - allows students to express themselves through an interactive paint and drawing tool
    - allows students to personalise their own work
    - allows students to create stories through illustrations
    - allows students to utilise a wide range of tools
    - allows for students to become more familiar with the use of internet and ICT's in education
    - allows for development in coordination
    - allows for students to use at home and at school
    - sound affects when using tools

    There are many more features and advantages on this website, I have only named a few.

    Kind regards,

    Courtesy of http://www.tuxpaint.org/screenshots/ 
    Courtesy of flagstaff.k12.az.us for using the image

        Podcasting - Benefits and Uses!

        Hello again everyone,

        I am posting a blog today about the great benefits of Podcasting! 

        According to the "Department of Education" 2010, a podcast is an audio or video file archived on the Internet in such a way that it can be automatically accessed by a personal computer, downloaded and transferred to a portable MP3 player. 

        With the increased access and desire for innovative technology within classrooms, podcasts have become (and will grow more and more) a very accessible and useful ICT. Websites, radio programs, television programs etc post podcasts to the internet for people to listen to their topic of interest. In this case, for educational purposes.

        The majority of students understand what an Ipod is and many of these students own an ipod. A podcast can be easily added to an ipod, which then, allows the students to listen to this audio file. A podcast would be a fantastic idea (provided all students had an ipod/computer/mp3 player) to broadcast information to the class. 

        For example, if the class had a student 'website', 'blog' or 'wiki',  the LM could post specific and appropriate podcasts on these, for the students to then download to their chosen destination to listen to. This information could be a mixture of the LM discussing the classroom topic along with professional opinions from radio or television media. It would be a different experience from the general way of teaching. Very creative and exciting for the students!

        Podcasts could also be shared within the classroom. Audio clips of a radio program or television show/program could be played straight to the class. This would allow students to listen to professional perspectives and other points of view.

        Finally, podcasts are an easy way of communicating information in an innovative way. Students could even create their own podcasts! I see them as a positive pedagogy for the future!

        Kind regards,

        Reference: Department of Education 2010 Podcasts in the Classroom. Accessed from:http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/curriculum/ict/podcasts/

        Courtesy to: Apple for discussing the Ipod
        Courtesy to: techsuave.com for using the podcasting image


        Hi Everyone,
        Welcome to week four of the term! These weeks have gone so fast!

        In this blog entry I would like to comment on how 'image resizing' is essential within a classroom context. I believe that all modes of educational ICT's such as PowerPoints, websites, blogs, wikis etc, to keep students engaged and interested, require some level of visual stimulus.

        I know myself that if I do not have images or some type of visual cue whilst watching a PowerPoint etc, I become quite unengaged and unfortunately miss parts of the information. I am a strong visual learner, like many, and to attain the engagement of this style of learning, often images, tables, pictures and graphs are essential.

        However, sometimes these images that the LM require to use are in a format or size which is impossible to use on something like a PowerPoint etc, therefore, a program such as Flikr is essential. I am happy that I have made myself familiar with Flikr, to ensure that I am keeping up to date with technology so that I can become a great learning manager for the future.

        Kind regards,  

        References: Picture courtesy of: mypcisrunningslow.org
        Courtesy of Flikr (discussing Flikr)
        PowerPoint belongs to Windows (discussing PowerPoint).

        Sunday, November 14, 2010

        The Use of PowerPoint

        Hi Fellow Bloggers,
        Welcome to week three! 

        This week's content on Moodle has been discussing the positive aspects of the well-known 'Powerpoint'. The first activity has presented the following question:

        "Can you identify the ways you could use PowerPoint in your classroom beyond a mundane presentation of content?" (Courtesy of Moodle - week 3).

        Response: When discussing PowerPoint, I think of three things; 

        • User friendly
        • Quick and visually appealing
        • Endless possibilities 

        I would like to discuss the first point which is 'user friendly'.  In grade 6 or 7, I clearly remember having to create a 30second powerpoint. Even being so young, I do not remember stressing over the process of creating a Powerpoint. To me, Powerpoint (PP) is of a second nature. What I do remember is the excitement and enthusiasm that we had when creating our PP's, and actually having the opportunity to create such work using ICT's. It was something completely different to writing an assignment etc, it was fun, interactive and educational all at the same time!

        Secondly, PP is a quick, easy and visually appealing program when created successfully. Personalising a powerpoint is fun and promotes creativity among students. At the touch of a button, a picture can be added, the page can change colour and animation and sounds can bring a PP to life! So simple!

        There are endless uses for a PP in a classroom context. For example, a learning manager can create a quiz, information source or assignment using a PP. To do this, a teacher could create the structure of the assignment (using questions and a layout from PP). The students then must search the web (safely), to find the answers to the assignment questions. Not only would this be a fun and interactive way of learning, but it would break down the assignment into steps and questions for the students to follow.

        Furthermore, as a beginning assignment for the year, students could collect pictures of their holiday break, and create a powerpoint to display their journeys. The students could also create a "who am I?" assignment, where the students must guess which PP belongs to each student! 

        The LM could also create a 'class PP', where the students can add information about the unit in which they are learning. Students could be given 1hr or more per week to work on this 'class PP', and at the end of the unit, the LM could put the PP on a disk, as a source of accessible information for the future!

        Thank you,

        References: Moodle - Managing E learning, Week 3 Learning Activities. 
        Powerpoint is courtesy of Microsoft.
        Courtesy of  instructify.com for using the image

        Sunday, November 7, 2010

        Static Websites

        Hi Fellow Bloggers,

        I have been asked to comment and reflect on how the Weebly Website (that I have just created) could benefit learners in a teaching context. 

        Firstly, I would like to comment on how simple it is to create these websites! This is great for all students as it allows them to create technology that is theirs to explore and edit, at the touch of a button. Furthermore, students will enjoy editing their page and exploring the possibilities.

        The first thing that came to mind, whilst creating this 'Weebly' Website was a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an interactive educational tool that allows students to complete a task via a website, specifically designed by the lecturer or teacher. I see WebQuests as a fantastic teaching tool, as they incorporate a learning essential and the ability for students to explore (safely) online.

        For a student to create a Weebly Website would be a fun, interactive and educational assignment or task. Students could be given a topic or task, and their mission would be to create a website to explore and investigate this. 

        Learning Managers could also specifically design a Weebly Website specifically for a class. The teacher could post homework and assignment information on this website for the students to complete. Alternatively, the Learning Manager could design this website with information on it about their unit. Students could easily access this website to complete classroom work, homework tasks and assignment questions.

        I see Weebly Websites as an endless possibility for education. There are many creative ideas, which could evolve into constructive pedagogy for students.

        Warm Regards,
        Bridie Willis

        Acknowledgements: 'Weebly' is courtesy of www.weebly.com

        Links to Wiki and Weebly Pages

        Hello Everyone! 

        I have also created a Wiki Web Page and a Weebly Page. 

        Below are the links if you wish to visit them.

        Warm Regards,

        Wiki Page
        Weebly Page

        Analysing a Framework

        Hi Fellow Bloggers,

        In starting week two's activities, I began to read about diverse frameworks and the impact that they have upon the learning of technology among all schools. I was particularly interested in the "Big6" initiative as I had never heard of this mentioned before. 

        According to the "Big6 Skills Overview", the Big6 integrates information search and use skills along with technology tools in a systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific needs and task (Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, 2001). 

        Put in more simple terms, when information or a task is handed to you, there needs to be a simple way or process to locate the answer. The Big6 initiative is a very successful way to help you solve these problems, using six simple steps. This program has been adopted by many schools and workplaces as their chosen way of information processing and problem solving. 

        The Big6 broken down, into my own words.

        'Task definition' is the first step. This steps asks you to define your problem or task, and to really understand what it is you are hoping to find.

        'Information Seeking Strategies' is the second step. This step asks you to identify all possible sources and resources that could be useful or helpful to your problem. Once you have located these resources, it will be more simple to continue.

        'Location and Access' is the third step of the process. Here you must locate and access (if possible) all of the resources that you have previously listed. 

        'Use of Information' is the next step that you will complete. This step asks you to engage in the information, whether it be an internet website, audio resource, book or other information source. Get to know your information and highlight important points or paragraphs. 

        'Synthesis' requires you to present your findings, utilising the previous sources of information. When presenting information, perhaps use diverse types of media such as mind maps, graphs, charts, pros and cons table etc. This could help you break down the task into minor questions as well.

        'Evaluation' is the final step. It asks you to explore your findings and it's efficiency (did you locate the answer that you were looking for?)

        By analysing the Big6, I see it to be a great program which could be used in a wide range of environments such as at home, schools and the workplace. 

        Warm regards,
        Bridie Willis

        References and Acknowledgments: Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz 2001 "Big6 Skills Overview". Accessed: http://www.big6.com/2001/11/19/a-big6™-skills-overview/ on the 8/11/10.

        Concept Mapping - My View

        Hi Fellow Bloggers,

        I have just explored concept/mind mapping. At first, before I explored the 'Text2mindmap' (http://www.text2mindmap.com/) website, I did not understand the full potential of creating a Mind Map online. However, once I explored the website and looked through the features and logistics, I came to the realisation that this is an absolutely fantastic tool for the classroom. Below is the Mind Map that I have created using the website called: Text2mindmap. 

        My Mind Map: 
        This Mind Map (above) took me approximately 4 minutes to create. How simple! Below I have analysed this teaching tool, by discussing the pros and cons. 

        - Fun and easy approach to brainstorming in the classroom.
        - Students can easily create a Mind Map by utilising the 'text2mindmap' website.
        - Allows for higher order thinking among all ages as it gives each child an opportunity to exploit a topic in great detail and depth.
        - Allows a task or topic to be broken into smaller parts, which adds a factor of 'visual ease'. Possibility of breaking down an assignment piece into smaller tasks to ensure that each criteria is fulfilled.
        - Great tool for the KWL theory - Know, Want and Learn, (Dimensions of Learning - Acquire and Integrate Knowledge, page 55).
        - Great for whole class debate - clear and easy points to understand when using a Mind Map.
        - Easily printed and glued into books for referral back to the page for study times and memory refreshers. 
        - Neatly presented and easy to explain to students.
        - Explores technology as well as the chosen topic. This will enhance the learning.
        - Engages students in easy, fun, safe and constructive classroom work. This ICT is not controversial and will benefit all who create or read a mind map.
        - This tool serves it's purpose well.

        - May not suit auditory and kinaesthetic/tactile learners for the reason that they can only 'see' what is being displayed, and this is not the way that their learning style is best accommodated for. 

        As you can see, I am enthusiastic about this tool and truly believe that the pros outweigh the cons!

        Concept mapping theory and research indicate concept maps (1) are appropriate tools to assist with communication, (2) are easy to use, and (3) are seen as beneficial by their users (Lee A Freeman 2004). I have found concept/mind mapping a simple, quick and constructive tool which explores both technology and a chosen topic. 

        I will certainly be utilising this tool within my classroom and I am grateful that somebody has taken the time to create such a wonderful product for everyone to use! Great collaborative work!!

        Warm regards,

        References and Acknowledgements: Courtesy of http://www.text2mindmap.com/.
        Dimensions of Learning  - Acquire and Integrate Knowledge. Know, Want and Learn Theory (pg. 55). 
        Lee A Freeman 2004 "The Benefits and Power of Concept Mapping: measuring use, usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction". Retrieved from: http://cmc.ihmc.us/papers/cmc2004-164.pdf

        Wednesday, November 3, 2010

        My First Blog

        Hi Everyone,
        This is my first blog for Managing E-Learning. I have uploaded a picture. Uploading a picture is the first skill that I have learnt so far. It was quick and easy and I look forward to learning new skills.

        As I look around at the suggested blogs to have a look at, I saw potential to apply a blog to a classroom context. The first blog I viewed was a blog called "LearnOnline" (website courtesy of: http://weblearn.weebly.com/index.html). This blog had numerous links that could positively boost the potential of 'habits of mind' and 'attitudes and perceptions' in children. 

        A blog would also be a fantastic way of presenting homework to students. Possibly, the Learning Manager could give the students a task or topic, and the students would have to discuss their findings through a blogging conversation. This would not only give students an opportunity to explore the internet by blogging, but it would also give such a techno-saavy generation a fresh and appealing approach to homework.

        Alternatively, a blog could be utilised as a part of a general lesson. For example, a debate or literature lesson. Students could read (or be read) parts of a subject appropriate blog, and then discuss whether or not they agree with the chosen topic. The possibilities are endless.

        I see blogs as a way to help teachers and students learn in a diverse way. Technology based teaching tools can also cater for those who perhaps need visual cues and understanding.

        Warm Regards,

        Image Courtesy of:istockphoto.com