Saturday, November 20, 2010

Podcasting - Benefits and Uses!

Hello again everyone,

I am posting a blog today about the great benefits of Podcasting! 

According to the "Department of Education" 2010, a podcast is an audio or video file archived on the Internet in such a way that it can be automatically accessed by a personal computer, downloaded and transferred to a portable MP3 player. 

With the increased access and desire for innovative technology within classrooms, podcasts have become (and will grow more and more) a very accessible and useful ICT. Websites, radio programs, television programs etc post podcasts to the internet for people to listen to their topic of interest. In this case, for educational purposes.

The majority of students understand what an Ipod is and many of these students own an ipod. A podcast can be easily added to an ipod, which then, allows the students to listen to this audio file. A podcast would be a fantastic idea (provided all students had an ipod/computer/mp3 player) to broadcast information to the class. 

For example, if the class had a student 'website', 'blog' or 'wiki',  the LM could post specific and appropriate podcasts on these, for the students to then download to their chosen destination to listen to. This information could be a mixture of the LM discussing the classroom topic along with professional opinions from radio or television media. It would be a different experience from the general way of teaching. Very creative and exciting for the students!

Podcasts could also be shared within the classroom. Audio clips of a radio program or television show/program could be played straight to the class. This would allow students to listen to professional perspectives and other points of view.

Finally, podcasts are an easy way of communicating information in an innovative way. Students could even create their own podcasts! I see them as a positive pedagogy for the future!

Kind regards,

Reference: Department of Education 2010 Podcasts in the Classroom. Accessed from:

Courtesy to: Apple for discussing the Ipod
Courtesy to: for using the podcasting image


  1. You positive stance on podcasts in a learning context is amazing! I agree that a vast majority of students can successful use ipods and this knowledge could be used in a peer teaching situation for those students who don’t typically have access to this type of technology.


  2. Thank you Jess!
    What a positive comment. Thank you for reading my post, and yes, I strongly agree that Ipods would be a great teaching paradigm in the classroom.
