Sunday, November 7, 2010

Analysing a Framework

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

In starting week two's activities, I began to read about diverse frameworks and the impact that they have upon the learning of technology among all schools. I was particularly interested in the "Big6" initiative as I had never heard of this mentioned before. 

According to the "Big6 Skills Overview", the Big6 integrates information search and use skills along with technology tools in a systematic process to find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific needs and task (Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, 2001). 

Put in more simple terms, when information or a task is handed to you, there needs to be a simple way or process to locate the answer. The Big6 initiative is a very successful way to help you solve these problems, using six simple steps. This program has been adopted by many schools and workplaces as their chosen way of information processing and problem solving. 

The Big6 broken down, into my own words.

'Task definition' is the first step. This steps asks you to define your problem or task, and to really understand what it is you are hoping to find.

'Information Seeking Strategies' is the second step. This step asks you to identify all possible sources and resources that could be useful or helpful to your problem. Once you have located these resources, it will be more simple to continue.

'Location and Access' is the third step of the process. Here you must locate and access (if possible) all of the resources that you have previously listed. 

'Use of Information' is the next step that you will complete. This step asks you to engage in the information, whether it be an internet website, audio resource, book or other information source. Get to know your information and highlight important points or paragraphs. 

'Synthesis' requires you to present your findings, utilising the previous sources of information. When presenting information, perhaps use diverse types of media such as mind maps, graphs, charts, pros and cons table etc. This could help you break down the task into minor questions as well.

'Evaluation' is the final step. It asks you to explore your findings and it's efficiency (did you locate the answer that you were looking for?)

By analysing the Big6, I see it to be a great program which could be used in a wide range of environments such as at home, schools and the workplace. 

Warm regards,
Bridie Willis

References and Acknowledgments: Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz 2001 "Big6 Skills Overview". Accessed:™-skills-overview/ on the 8/11/10.

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