Sunday, November 7, 2010

Concept Mapping - My View

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

I have just explored concept/mind mapping. At first, before I explored the 'Text2mindmap' ( website, I did not understand the full potential of creating a Mind Map online. However, once I explored the website and looked through the features and logistics, I came to the realisation that this is an absolutely fantastic tool for the classroom. Below is the Mind Map that I have created using the website called: Text2mindmap. 

My Mind Map: 
This Mind Map (above) took me approximately 4 minutes to create. How simple! Below I have analysed this teaching tool, by discussing the pros and cons. 

- Fun and easy approach to brainstorming in the classroom.
- Students can easily create a Mind Map by utilising the 'text2mindmap' website.
- Allows for higher order thinking among all ages as it gives each child an opportunity to exploit a topic in great detail and depth.
- Allows a task or topic to be broken into smaller parts, which adds a factor of 'visual ease'. Possibility of breaking down an assignment piece into smaller tasks to ensure that each criteria is fulfilled.
- Great tool for the KWL theory - Know, Want and Learn, (Dimensions of Learning - Acquire and Integrate Knowledge, page 55).
- Great for whole class debate - clear and easy points to understand when using a Mind Map.
- Easily printed and glued into books for referral back to the page for study times and memory refreshers. 
- Neatly presented and easy to explain to students.
- Explores technology as well as the chosen topic. This will enhance the learning.
- Engages students in easy, fun, safe and constructive classroom work. This ICT is not controversial and will benefit all who create or read a mind map.
- This tool serves it's purpose well.

- May not suit auditory and kinaesthetic/tactile learners for the reason that they can only 'see' what is being displayed, and this is not the way that their learning style is best accommodated for. 

As you can see, I am enthusiastic about this tool and truly believe that the pros outweigh the cons!

Concept mapping theory and research indicate concept maps (1) are appropriate tools to assist with communication, (2) are easy to use, and (3) are seen as beneficial by their users (Lee A Freeman 2004). I have found concept/mind mapping a simple, quick and constructive tool which explores both technology and a chosen topic. 

I will certainly be utilising this tool within my classroom and I am grateful that somebody has taken the time to create such a wonderful product for everyone to use! Great collaborative work!!

Warm regards,

References and Acknowledgements: Courtesy of
Dimensions of Learning  - Acquire and Integrate Knowledge. Know, Want and Learn Theory (pg. 55). 
Lee A Freeman 2004 "The Benefits and Power of Concept Mapping: measuring use, usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction". Retrieved from:


  1. Bridie,
    Fantastic idea of putting a time-frame on how long it took to make your mind map! Not only does it re-affirm your positive appraisal of this tool but it also gives other bloggers insight into how easy it would be to adapt this in a learning environment.
    I strongly agree with your point that these mind maps allow for higher thinking and really like how you have discussed and suggested ways to apply this tool in a classroom situation.
    Well done! I look forward to reading more of your work throughout the course!
    Xx Jess

  2. Hey,
    Was reading your pros and cons and have a con that you might like to add (if you think it's applicable). Concept-mapping is great especially since it ties in well with the cognitivist theory, however some learners just can't learn in that visual format. Others may prefer lists or tables to get their ideas across. It's a wonderful communication tool, but is it suited to all learners?

  3. Hi Krystal!
    Thank you for your feedback. I love looking at other's points of view and I completely agree with you! I will add that to my 'cons' list.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post, I appreciate your interest!

    Warm regards,

  4. I have just explored Mindomo . At first, before I explored the Text2mindmap website, I did not understand the full potential of creating a Mind Map online.
